Elias Brange
Hi. I'm Elias Brange.
Driving Serverless adoption.
One post at a time.
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An opinionated approach to building serverless APIs
An opinionated approach to building serverless APIs
| #AWS #Serverless

There are countless ways to build serverless APIs. You can use single-purpose Lambda functions, monolithic Lambdaliths, or a mix of both. In this post, I share an opinionated and pragmatic approach that I've found to work well for me.

Build a Simple URL Shortener with CloudFront KeyValueStore
Build a Simple URL Shortener with CloudFront KeyValueStore

Learn how to use CloudFront functions and the newly released CloudFront KeyValueStore to build a simple and fully serverless URL shortener.

Consolidate your Lambda Logs in CloudWatch
Consolidate your Lambda Logs in CloudWatch
| #AWS #Serverless

Learn how to use the newly released advanced logging controls to consolidate your Lambda logs into a single log group. This overcomes one of the most painful aspects of CloudWatch Logs Insights: combing through hundreds of Log groups.

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